Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Maura's 2013 Resolutions

In the day that's in it, I thought it appropriate to give y'all a list of my resolutions for 2013. None of this "New Year, New Me" type shit. Actual things have I can achievable and tickoff-able! (Love ticking stuff off lists).

I always approach New Year's Day with such enthusiasm every year. I make my list, I promise to do this, that and the other and that failure is not an option. But, yera, we all fail a little bit and without failure, how would we be able to see where we need to improve? All very eishy-washy but dju what? I don't really care.

Now, without another second wasted, here are my resolutions for 2013. May it be as much of and maybe more of a hun to me that 2012 was <3

Maura's 2013 New Year's Resolutions:

1. To give less of a **** about people who don't give one about me. (Haters are always gunna hate so why bother with them ,frankly?)
2. To spend more time studying throughout the year rather than let it build up and having to cram months of work into mere hours. (Even though I managed to pass Physiology, I NEVER want to have to fit in MONTHS of work into hours... Not fun and drove me to hysteria) 
3. To not fail first year. (See above).
4. To exercise more and to TRY to eat better. (Subway stop being so tasty and close to where I live.)
5. To sort out my love life or the lack there of. (Think I'm going to try sort out myself first because tbh I wouldn't want to inflict all this crazy on someone :L )
6. To stop acting such a gob****e whilst drunk. (I do believe that this just equates to not drinking so much. I can have fun sober... I just need to convince myself of it!)
7. To be happier. (I need to stop taking on everybody else's problems. I have plenty of my own, that's enough for little ould me).
8. To travel as much as I can with my limited funds. (With friends living literally all over the country now, I have very little excuses to not go explore our green isle and make the most of my long free summers and funds. you only live once shure).
9. To waste even more time on Boards.ie (especially C&H) than I already do. (And WIN a Jizzler. Second to an orgy.. Pfffft).

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