Monday 17 December 2012

Tis the season to be jolly..

There's something about this time of year that just makes me so happy. Maybe it's the crisp cool air, the fighting greenery, the warm open fires or perhaps just the festive cheer. I'm not sure what it is but there is a significant *something* that makes this time of year my favourite.

I'm not going to lie when I say that my grá for this time of year begins from the fifteenth of November-  my birthday. Because of the time of the year, I was never one to have big celebratory birthday parties. Mine were always low-key affairs- a trip to Jungle Jims, going to see Harry Potter with Deirdre or wrapping up in front of the fire and watching movies for the night with the obligatory chocolate cake. In my mind, simple pleasures.

Then the cold starts kicking in, the frost starts creeping up on you in the mornings, white dragons when you breath, getting to pull out the old mittens to keep yourself warm . . . I love it.

I love these. Any kind soul want to get me them as a Christmas present no?

I don't know about you but this time of year also makes me think back on the year I've had so far. The good parts, the bad parts, the days that made me laugh, the days made me want to cry and all those in between. It could be just the fact that it's the end of one year and the beginning of another but yes, it's definitely the most reflective time of year for me.

Two sides of the one coin: happiness and depression. But this year, happiness is prevailing and for that I'm very joyous.

(yet again I have no idea where this is going but sometimes a good olde ramble is good for you)

 Going to finish this with my FAVOURITE Christmas song ever. Enjoy.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Pharmacy Crew.

It has been decided that Pharmacy is basically a course of overachieving misfits who, for some bizarre reason, chose to do a degree on how to formulate drugs. It's not every sane person who decides that a life of drug-dealing is the port of call for them. It's genuinely widely accepted that we are all weird, are a lil psychotic and definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, banterful.

In UCC, we First Year Pharmacists have a bit of a rep for being wild party animals and frankly, it's true. There has not been one night where drama of some sort has not occurred  Between people getting lost, Guards giving cautions to friends for stealing pints and general awkward drunken interactions between the sexes, Pharmacy are a mad crowd.

For the very first time in my whole life, I am part of the cool crew. I know, I know, shit just got cray. But yeah, randomly, I'm one of the cooler people in my class. I have been described as the "catalyst" for the bants. I don't what it is about people here as opposed to those at home but the people here think my weirdness, stupidness and genuine retardedness is hilarious and yeah, it's made me a lot of friends. I'm not afraid to be myself in college which, of course, is an essential part of the college experience.

Since coming to Cork, I've decided to take no shit from anybody and as a result, the friendships I have formed here are some of the best I've ever made. We are all equally mad. It's nice not being the only odd one in a group of people.

I don't even know what it is that I'm trying to explain in this post. Basically, college is amazing. The people here are friends for life no doubt. Pharmacy is cool. Yes.

On that note of rambling, I'm going to head off. Tomorrow will have a post of relevance and context and it will awesome.

Night :)

Sunday 2 December 2012

All is fair in love and war?


Enjoy the woe that is my life.

(P.s. I refer to myself in the Third person occasionally when I want to distance myself from my actions).

Maura likes this guy X since the start of college. Maura finds out from friends that X likes Maura also #class. Maura basically throws herself at X on Halloween because she's drunk so yolo. X kindly puts it that despite liking Maura, he doesn't want to do anything since we're in the same group of friends, in the same class for the next few years and if it went bady, it'd be super awkward. So fair enough. Hung out with him and his friend for the night, they wouldn't walk me home home, X offered Maura his couch. Maura was sensible and decided to ring her malefriend B who lives in the apartment below hers to collect her from X's because Maura knows that she'd try it again and be rejected :L

Move onto Maura's birthday where Maura throws a HUGE soiree to celebrate it. X's there, hair gelled, everything. Maura is drunk and still REALLY likes him because he's class. Had a bit of a mope in the Bathroom with my roomie about liking him but him not returning the feelings. Go out to the Bailey and X and Maura are the only two upstairs from the Crew. We dancing, and Maura begins to feel that awkward tension building... Maura is sure that only she notices it and is about to make a fool outta herself again so legs it. LITERALLY RUNS AWAY.

Apparently X had changed his mind about Maura, wanted to give it a go and the moment I ran was the moment when what I wanted to happen would've happened. Classic timing.

X, annoyed I ran away, thinking I don't like him and obvs pissed, then shifts Maura's roommate A, who also does Pharmacy in front of Maura.

Maura gets VERY upset (understandably) and basically cries. Áine (MY BEST FRIEND IN PHARMACY) minded me for the night, sitting in the bathroom whilst I cried, putting her hair in a Tralee bun for the night so we could rock it out and forget X. He, on the other hand, gets pissed that Áine and Maura keep telling him to fuck off whenever he's near and sticking our middle fingers up at him. Convinces Maura to DMC with him outside where we basically sorted everything- our fears of committment, liking each other, not knowing what to do, etc etc. Good sign eh?

Went on the Kayaking weekend with him and some other Pharmacy friends- mad bants. Bascially could've happened at the Hillgrove on Saturday if Maura hadn't passed out at 9.30 pm from Jungle Juice and had to be left at home.

THEN, A and I had a major DMC about how much I liked X.
How I thought he was basically CLASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... So she knew I had SERIOUS GRÁ for him.
Wednesday, Pharmacy social.
No. How wrong was I?

A and X, despite knowing how I felt, were ALL OVER EACH OTHER at the Social. Dancing together, going off alone together, etc etc.
Maura = heartbroken.

(Names have been changed because I'm not retarded and if people know me, they'll know who I'm talking about ANYWAYS.)

This is why life sucks at the moment and why I started a blog instead of studying for up and coming Pharmacy exams.

Life until now.

A brief synopsis of my college life up until now. Only college life though because eugh, secondary school, really?

Moved to the Big Smoke.
Befriended the roomies.
Made friends and became an integral cog in the Pharmacy crew.
Drank lots.
Had mad bants.
Had ALL the Golden weeks because we Pharmacy peeps are legit overachievers.

More of less the same of the above.
More labs, tutorials, lectures and general workload increase.
Friends for life being made.
Pharmacy Crew couples being formed.
Grá for so many people.
Developed an addiction for Starbucks Venti Hot Chocolates from The Cavanagh Building. Elixir of life.
Drank so much more.
Feelings for Boy show.

 Continuation of the above.
Exam stress develops.
Jacks Fresher Trip.
Boy = not good.
Too much work makes Maura a tired girl.
For the first time, drank so much Maura passed out.

So that's me thus far.


Casually introducing myself...

I have never done this before so I'm not entirely sure how this goes. This blog will hopefully share my life's struggles, joys, sorrows, laughs, memories, feelings and bants- basically this will be my escape, my place of reverie, possibly my dark hole. I'm laying this all out at the very beginning so that, if this is not what you want to read, you can kindly exit stage left. Danke.

Bitta background info:
Maura, 19, Pharmacy student from Kerry, currently living by the motto: "Go hard or go home". Living it up in Cork City. Yeah...

I feel like this is enough for the time being. I'll do a summary of my First Year experience thus far very soon and then the real fun can begin.

Kiss my aspirin.