Enjoy the woe that is my life.
(P.s. I refer to myself in the Third person occasionally when I want to distance myself from my actions).
Maura likes this guy X since the start of college. Maura finds out from friends that X likes Maura also #class. Maura basically throws herself at X on Halloween because she's drunk so yolo. X kindly puts it that despite liking Maura, he doesn't want to do anything since we're in the same group of friends, in the same class for the next few years and if it went bady, it'd be super awkward. So fair enough. Hung out with him and his friend for the night, they wouldn't walk me home home, X offered Maura his couch. Maura was sensible and decided to ring her malefriend B who lives in the apartment below hers to collect her from X's because Maura knows that she'd try it again and be rejected :L
Move onto Maura's birthday where Maura throws a HUGE soiree to celebrate it. X's there, hair gelled, everything. Maura is drunk and still REALLY likes him because he's class. Had a bit of a mope in the Bathroom with my roomie about liking him but him not returning the feelings. Go out to the Bailey and X and Maura are the only two upstairs from the Crew. We dancing, and Maura begins to feel that awkward tension building... Maura is sure that only she notices it and is about to make a fool outta herself again so legs it. LITERALLY RUNS AWAY.
Apparently X had changed his mind about Maura, wanted to give it a go and the moment I ran was the moment when what I wanted to happen would've happened. Classic timing.
X, annoyed I ran away, thinking I don't like him and obvs pissed, then shifts Maura's roommate A, who also does Pharmacy in front of Maura.
X, annoyed I ran away, thinking I don't like him and obvs pissed, then shifts Maura's roommate A, who also does Pharmacy in front of Maura.
Maura gets VERY upset (understandably) and basically cries. Áine (MY BEST FRIEND IN PHARMACY) minded me for the night, sitting in the bathroom whilst I cried, putting her hair in a Tralee bun for the night so we could rock it out and forget X. He, on the other hand, gets pissed that Áine and Maura keep telling him to fuck off whenever he's near and sticking our middle fingers up at him. Convinces Maura to DMC with him outside where we basically sorted everything- our fears of committment, liking each other, not knowing what to do, etc etc. Good sign eh?
Went on the Kayaking weekend with him and some other Pharmacy friends- mad bants. Bascially could've happened at the Hillgrove on Saturday if Maura hadn't passed out at 9.30 pm from Jungle Juice and had to be left at home.
THEN, A and I had a major DMC about how much I liked X.
How I thought he was basically CLASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... So she knew I had SERIOUS GRÁ for him.
Wednesday, Pharmacy social.
No. How wrong was I?
A and X, despite knowing how I felt, were ALL OVER EACH OTHER at the Social. Dancing together, going off alone together, etc etc.
Maura = heartbroken.
(Names have been changed because I'm not retarded and if people know me, they'll know who I'm talking about ANYWAYS.)
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