Saturday 8 December 2012

Pharmacy Crew.

It has been decided that Pharmacy is basically a course of overachieving misfits who, for some bizarre reason, chose to do a degree on how to formulate drugs. It's not every sane person who decides that a life of drug-dealing is the port of call for them. It's genuinely widely accepted that we are all weird, are a lil psychotic and definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, banterful.

In UCC, we First Year Pharmacists have a bit of a rep for being wild party animals and frankly, it's true. There has not been one night where drama of some sort has not occurred  Between people getting lost, Guards giving cautions to friends for stealing pints and general awkward drunken interactions between the sexes, Pharmacy are a mad crowd.

For the very first time in my whole life, I am part of the cool crew. I know, I know, shit just got cray. But yeah, randomly, I'm one of the cooler people in my class. I have been described as the "catalyst" for the bants. I don't what it is about people here as opposed to those at home but the people here think my weirdness, stupidness and genuine retardedness is hilarious and yeah, it's made me a lot of friends. I'm not afraid to be myself in college which, of course, is an essential part of the college experience.

Since coming to Cork, I've decided to take no shit from anybody and as a result, the friendships I have formed here are some of the best I've ever made. We are all equally mad. It's nice not being the only odd one in a group of people.

I don't even know what it is that I'm trying to explain in this post. Basically, college is amazing. The people here are friends for life no doubt. Pharmacy is cool. Yes.

On that note of rambling, I'm going to head off. Tomorrow will have a post of relevance and context and it will awesome.

Night :)

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